Who do you want to be?
Many of us struggle with the uncertainty of what we are doing and where we are going. But how many of us REALLY stop, reflect, and take the time to think deeply about the answer to that question?
Often, we are so busy ‘just being busy’ rather than ‘being who we want to be’.

Our fears. Our perceptions of ourselves. Our rejection of ourselves. The way we judge ourselves (and others). The tendency to withdraw. The reliance on our many masks.
But if we are to answer the question, ‘who do we want to be?’ and be curious enough to find the answer, we must first accept and embrace who we are.
I was fortunate enough to be able to access coaching with Nick through NHS England’s organisational development programme. Nick is a brilliant coach and within a few sessions was able to help me work out what was holding me back and guide me to learn to live my values, regain control, back my own judgement and give me tools to deal with any future challenges. An unexpected but happy bonus from coaching was being able to apply what I had learned both in my professional and personal life, which has positively impacted my sense of self.
Consultant Gastroenterologist
This is where the coaching journey begins.
No two people are the same. Everyone is unique. We all have an authenticity – a blend of all that is good with a solid dose of imperfections. Rather than hiding this genuineness, coaching helps to reveal it so our true selves can emerge. We become more curious, more open, more willing to view things differently, more willing to accept others as they are and more ready to explore new ideas.
From this place of understanding we build the confidence to take the path to becoming a game changer — both in our own lives and in the impact we can have on people around us.
We become more at ease with ourselves. We become a better person. A better team player. A better leader.
Appoint yourself the agent of your own life and take ownership of your own development, career, creative spirit, work, and connections
Susan David
award-winning Harvard Medical School
psychologist, and author of Emotional Agility