I have recently come across the Savannah Group and they produce some thought provoking material and it got me thinking whether ‘leadership agility’ (see the article) is just another business phrase or something that has real significance. Well it does. It is underpinned by adaptability – something that I keep banging on about in my coaching. Business – all organisations – need leaders “….able to quickly adapt to changing situations and with a high degree of cultural sensitivity….”
The article goes onto say:
Agile leadership is being comfortable leading in an iterative way rather than an established manner and it is leading towards outcomes rather than through a process. If a leader is comfortable with fluidity, they will be able to relax the process to achieve the outcome.”And the panel came up with a list of attributes that reflect agile leaders. Read the article – all the attributes resonate BUT the point of my post is that a decent coach can help develop the agile leader. It’s lonely at the top – particularly in a crisis – and a coach alongside her challenging, cajoling and provoking thought and solutions – well there is no other experience like it….